District Management Letter

Dear Residents, For those of you who don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Joe Mallen, and I am the Manager for the Recreation District. I oversee everything going on at the Main Clubhouse, Satellite Clubhouses as well as the Golf Course. My office is in the main Clubhouse across from the Cafeteria and the Board meeting room. It’s been a busy first half of the year, with all of the maintenance and improvements we’ve made to our Rec District including roof repairs, enhanced landscaping, a new tile entrance to the Clubhouse, new lobby furniture, upgrades to the game/billiards room, remodeled restrooms, resurfacing Sat 4’s pool, repairing the walkways around the Clubhouse, purchase of 2 new Pickle Ball nets, installation of new HD security cameras, the list goes on and on. The last half of our year will include restroom remodels at SAT 4&5, Wi-Fi improvements poolside, repairs to our tennis courts, repair of sections of the golf course walkways, and possibly the addition of fountains to some of our lakes. While some of the improvements are obvious, many things go on behind the scenes to ensure your current and future enjoyment of the Recreation District. Should you have any questions, concerns or just want to know more, please don’t hesitate to stop by my office and introduce yourself. Best regards,Joseph Mallen Sunrise Lakes Phase 4 Recreation DistrictDistrict Manager